Thank you for attending the Day of Action!
To join us in future actions and contribute feedback on the day’s events, click here.
March 6 is a campus-wide day of conversation and action at Princeton. This day is an opportunity to put routine aside, so as to focus on learning from each other about the challenges that we face in this country and around the world. We ask what these challenges mean for us, as a community devoted to scholarship, the use of knowledge for the common good, and the ideals of equality, diversity, freedom, democracy, and justice.
March 6 will be a day of town-hall sessions and focused teach-ins at Frist Campus Center, with the morning dedicated to an investigation of the problems, and the afternoon to their solutions. We have 64 teach-ins facilitated by professors, students, and alumni, as well as 13 University and local organizations tabling.
Read the March 6 call. Facebook event page.